Drawn to the Night

Last Friday night in Plymouth drawn to the night five modeling sketches.  The model was doing yoga poses. This created some challenging views but it was a lot of fun.

Walking Dead ZombieTamer


You asked about me drawing the "Walking Dead".   I only saw a few episodes and it kinda' freaked me out!  So here is a take on fighting Zombies with kid power!  Saturday morning warm up sketching....

Drawn to the Night...DTTN

Went to the Plymouth Arts Council for live model drawing last night. Small turn out last night, hope to see more people next month.  Very fun.

DTTN in Plymouth

Drawn to the Night in Plymouth...our last month event....live drawing at

Plymouth Arts Council

 smaller turnout than previous weeks. But still interesting and fun...

5 min to 20 min sketches....

Blaze-Thru Comics in Plymouth

Brand New store in Plymouth....BLAZE-THRU Comics.

Come down and visit...Weekends and Wednesdays

Frame 8

It was all for the love of candy!

Been gone a while...work has kept me busy...more SuperCow in the works....just having trouble finding time and motivation lately:(

In Tags , ,

Super Cow Frame 7

Here is our next frame in our Super Cow story.  I dropped off the full comic to the second grade class just before Halloween.  I left them the challenge of finishing the story on their own. I promised to come back after the new year to see what they come up with.  Some started to sketch even before I finished handing out the books to the rest of the class.  I would not be surprised if many will lose the book over time but I plan on showing my next pages to them as I go.

Super Cow frame 6

Munch! Munch! The Gopher-bot is out to steal Halloween

Frame 5 Super Cow

Here is another panel set on the Super Cow comic.  I am planning on going in next week to introduce this the 2nd Grade.  I hope they get pulled in to finishing some of the open pages.  The idea is to start them off on a story and let them complete.  In the panel below the kids find that something is eating their lunch and candy! Who? and How?

Super Cow frame 4

The Evil Villain in Black is back! We learn of his evil plan...and his Gopher-Bot creation!

Frame 3 the Flying Pig

Up Up and away...

Frame 2 Super Cow

No that's Betsy you smell, boss.....

DTTN last Friday night

Kirby Fagan's Live drawing session last Friday at the Plymouth Arts Council
very enjoyable night!... It is a great setting with wine and gormet snacks and goodies. 
This is not twinkies and corn chip stuff. Great treats to go along with music and wine, while sketching a live model in a different theme every month.  This month was:

I got to meet a new artist..check out ...Michelle she has great characters and animation at her site

Here were some of my sketches from Friday....

New Web Page - Trooper Treehouse

I trying out Square Space for a while with a new Website for my personal sketching and Art Parent activities through school.

Please Visit Trooper Treehouse


Comments for improvements are welcome....Thanks

At the secret command center

At his secret command center, a farm on the outskirts of the city, we are introduced to our hero....#inktober

Super Cow

      I participate in a grade school program called "Art Parent" at my kids school.  I have had a chance to go in and draw with the kids in kindergarten through 4th grade so far.  I think the best experience has been with the second grade class.  Kids are focused enough to draw and its still fun.  I set the class out on a drawing assignment after introducing a topic...Next I have the teacher send me groups of 6 or 7 students to sit with me and draw on a large newsprint pad for about 10 min. rotating through the whole class.  I have them show me their drawings and I improvise a drawing with the small groups in these sessions.
      I have also brought in worksheets to get their focus on storytelling and mixing writing with images. Super Cow was a workbook based on the teachers very creative Halloween costume and characters. The kids love it when Mr. Lloyd plays Super Cow and his nemesis the super Villain EVB, (Evil Villain in Black)...Here is the cover a short workbook I plan to bring in just before Halloween this year...stay tuned.

Captain Cow

Made a little birthday visit from a favorite Super Hero ....
Great Teacher , Mr. Lloyd, at  Plymouth Bird School

After Dark still no sleep

 one more page of my long night camping...