I need to be sleeping now. I need to be sleeping now! now! Just can't get to sleep. So I got up to work on page 23. A few more left. Had to rewatch Serenity and Firefly while drawing again tonight. The kids and Lorene are sound asleep, I am going to be dragging tomorrow but this was better than just sitting staring at the ceiling. Using larger blacks and going back with a little feathering with black and white pen. OK I am going to try to get some shut eye...
Super Cow Page 23
With the Kids Read Comics June 21 date getting closer an closer, I need to get this moving.
I was able to finish a little more of the prelim inking so far. Here is a sneak at page 23 with prelim text. I plan to do a quick and rough text to leave space for balloons and sound effects. My biggest worry should be story but I am more focused on consistent character and facial expressions. I am getting more comfortable with my characters and am anticipating a number of page redos to match the feel of my later pages ...I really liked this page in that regard. KCR (Kids Read Comics) is getting closer...
Letter Box 4
Letter Box
We have been doing "letter boxing" this summer with the kids...Letter boxing is like Geocaching for kids. Someone hides a notebook and an ink stamp in a secret location and post clues for other to find. If found, you stamp your own notebook with the found stamp and leave your mark in the hidden notepad. Be discrete and careful not to give out the secret location to onlookers.
I drew a few sketches after our last litter outing. ...will post these over the next few days.....