The point at which every villain must take their own medicine. Just a few more pages to ink, then I need to go back and look at darker blacks. This comic will not be color, just black and white. I will be very happy if I can just finish it to that level. Pages are coming a little faster I just hope my story is making sense. You look at something for so long and it seems logical to you but when someone else sees it, out of context, all bets are off. I have been showing it to the kids and Lorene but not a very wide or critical audience yet. Not looking to win any prizes just hoping it is mildly entertaining.
Notes from the Trail — Trooper Treehouse
Here is another update on the Super Cow 28 page book. Page 22 features the EVB (Evil Villain in Black) who is challenging our Hero to a food fight! All dialog is still preliminary and working out the page. This is the only page I really changed the frame shape to something a little more dynamic. I have to play with this more in the future...keep moving forward...
Page 20 Prep for Kids Read Comics - June
I have to finish this comic for the local 2nd grade class and for the Kids Read Comics convention...
Here is a work in progress on page 20. I am working in Manga Studio going panel by panel. I threw in some of the dialog as placeholders as I refine and edit. If I can finish the art by the end of May I should be in fair shape for revisions. As I go the characters are getting more comfortable to draw. I am finding that the more I relax my sketches the more expressive and dramatic the poses and expressions become. The tighter the drawings the more life seems to drain from them. OK time for bed and getting a little sleep now.