I almost have the final sketch/coloring books complete for Art Parent. I have been reformatting and changing a few of the final sketches but I think it is almost done. I have a projector on order for the day so I am hoping for a sketch video to go along with the handouts. I have a few rooms to visit, so it should be a fairly busy day. I hope the kids are up for it. Here is a taste of a few of the pages, almost complete....
40 books
I go into 2nd grade tomorrow for a quick and final update on the project I introduced last October. The book is done but still needs some revisions. One issue was not having a clear enough voice for each character. I now realize how much farther I could have taken the writing before the sketching....sounds obvious I suppose until you go throught the process for yourself. Little things like different line weights and a more relaxed drawing style started to become more obvious on the later pages. Again something to watch for next time...wish me luck tomorrow...