Page 9, Cosmo's Apples

Please come back next Monday for the final page of Cosmo's Apples!
And the Troll was near beside you the whole time.
After looking at the whole story I needed to add this page to tell Lady Ellis's story from the Troll' point of view. I tried to wrap up the story in the last two pages and which may be rushed.  We see how the troll's story was a misunderstanding, trying to reinforce the idea of patience and understanding for children. The thumbnails come easier with a clearer idea of what I want the panels to say.  I am still not writing a script at this point and I did not have dialog either...Next time I will  take the story to this level and add dialog before and final inking, digital or not.  Sounds obvious, but what is good as a principle is not always as easy in practice.

Bad Kitty

He is always in the shadows ready to pounce just when all seems to be going well.  He enjoys the attack, the chase and the end, the spoiler, the fly in your milk.  I don't have a name for him yet,  but he will be the fear in my hero's eyes and the reason for the chase.  Still to come are the back stories and a few more characters....

Gruff Character Study

Worked on this character last night, these are more like the original character sketches done with the kids. I am wondering if this guy looks to old and grumpy...instead of more puppy and floppy as last night...I still need to put more of a back story to this guy.  Gruff is a good guy who will be the helpful muscle for my little lost mice in the story.  I need him to be kind but also a tougher side when challenged...more to come


Struggling tonight with this character... Tried  to simplify shapes but not getting what I want, looking for insecure little puppy.

inks for bugze

the kids enjoyed feeding little Bugze

Page 8. Cosmo's Apples

Please come back next Monday for page 9!
The kids decide they have been watching Cosmo long enough, time to find out what he knows about the forest Troll....

Originally the confrontation was the primary focus of the page.  Looking at the story in sequence I decided to again bring more a focus on what the kids were thinking.  So I added more panels with the kids perspective. I have to find a good balance between the thumbnails and script.  I really like to put the visuals together first, sketching key shots, but need to refine a script and dialog in tandem. This is something I really need to work on.


 A few more sketches with different Views and expressions.

Character Study, help

      Before bed working on a older story I never finished.   Its about a mouse and a hawk helping each other...Any suggestions,or good examples of,character development or of back-story character sheets would be appreciated! After my last story, I am really trying to improve my characters prior to flushing out details of my story.   this was a great reference article. I am Looking for more like this,  or examples of how others do this differently.
How much detail do you put into characters, and how do you format or use that reference?

One missed click to save her!

Working on my trusted tablet tonight... had a nice thing going. .. She was a beautiful little Sketch.... the one that got away.

Page 7, Cosmo's Apples

Please come back next Monday for page 8!
So many friends in the forest....
This page was one of the early pages made.  I liked the idea of forest animals visiting the children as they were supposed to be watching Cosmo.  These faces and characters drove other pages out of sequence and forced me to backtrack and add earlier pages leading to this scene.  Again, I should have spent less time on the finished images and more time in the thumbnail phase. Focus on story refinements and preliminary dialog before getting into inking....also a few character pages at this point were needed to lock in the character's appearances.  I found that even in this short story I had trouble keeping faces, body shapes or clothing looking consistent.

Who lives here?

Anyone faced 2nd and 4th grade classes?  Drawing or teaching? Any ideas on lessons that last less than 15 min. and can engage 20 to 30 students?  Please let me know.

 Thinking about some sketch pages that ask kids to think about character sketches and storytelling in a fun way.  I am taking environment thumbnails and asking the class to add story and character designs and explain how they are related.

I want to show sketching techniques as well as get them thinking about story.....


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Page 6, Cosmo's Apples

Here is page 6 of "Cosmo's Apples".
The kids get distracted...

This page was added to introduce the kids experiencing the forest.  In the bedtime story that started these sketches I wanted the kids to learn about the forest by listening. I wanted the kids to be quiet and observant of their surroundings and the forest would reveal itself to as they are watching Cosmo...someone is watching them....

Fish Tank X

 This was a comic done at the Ann Arbor Library. A class on Comics  instructed by Jerzy Drozds of It was a lot of fun.
First make a list of about 15 objects in your house, then pick 3.
Next pick a theme for your story.
Finally he supplied 2 random news headlines...
 The result was ...
 1) a fish in a tank/Legos/X-Box game system
 2)  Theme, . . . small characters achieving big things.
  3) Headlines.... "Astronaut in Peril on moon"  and  "Leader poisoned in South America"
  We had an hour to organize and thumbnail our story.  Here is the Final Version. . .


Fish Tank X

Finished improvised comic done at Ann Arbor Library in one of Jerzy Drozd classes...very very Fun!


Putting limits on yourself opens up creativity....
Recipe: (Thanks to  Jerzy Drozd)
1. Take 3 items for you house ( Fish Tank, Legos, X-Box)
2. Take 2 Random News headlines ( Astronauts in Peril / Leader Poisoned)
3. Pick a Theme (Believing you are capable of more / Exceeding your expectations)

Mix for 60 min.  (Do not over mix)
The result was a 8 page mini comic ...very fun and quick...Here are some roughs....
More finished to follow in the next few days...


Next I Developed pages in a mini comic format:
Using Manga Studio I made a 2 Page Story...flipping pages upside down as needed for the Mini comic format....

Using Guide layers and the crop markers for spacing...I had pages for print.  
One single paper, printed on both sides...for an 8 page comic...thanks to Matt Feazell...

Pages coming soon...

Page 5, Cosmo's Apples

Cosmo knows he is being followed...
Please come back next Monday for page 6 !

Again, I jumped to quickly from panel to panel without telling the story.  I don't know if I really fixed it here but it is what it is.  Originally I had a scenes of Cosmo overlooking his field, then picked apples, then took them to town to sell....I neglected the kids and had to bring them back into the story...I liked the selling apples panels but thought it did not fit and will bring them back later....