John Bleau

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Art Parent Day

I had a chance to be the first grade "Art Parent" this year and last...The movie " How to train your Dragon" had come out and the kids loved Dinosaurs and Dragons....So I tried to have them do a little dragon sketching...

 I tried to explain line, form and shading to describe an object

I used newsprint, pencil and marker.  I prepared a few of these sketches the night before and supplied the kids with paper and prisma color pencils....careful although they are great, I had forgot how much they cost and when trying to supply to 23 gets costly

 The kids had fun sketching what ever they wanted...everything from dragons to kittens to horses to money...yes one child kept asking if he could draw money :)
 This one is straight out of the movie...I had a good time and read from a book called " ish" which talks about a child's love for art tempered by his critical brother and how he learned to be his own best judge of his work...
These are the full pages ....