John Bleau

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No Hobbies ...

After a long time away from this event I went, last night, for a live drawing session.  I am not a young kid, but as I scanned the room, I was feeling 20yrs younger than the rest.  Am I walking into a senior's knitting circle?   Oh well, it's just a couple hours.  One of the members mentioned while munching on a brownie, "well what else are you going to do on a Friday night?" ...really?...But then we did some drawing...  

I met a veteran storyboard artist with tons of great work to share. He was eager to show me his work and all I could think was, this incredible talent (in this mid 70's) thirsty to talk with someone who can relate to topics like composition, materials, techniques.

Showing work to neighbors, " they just stand there for an hour while you draw?" ...yes, yes they really do.  Not making fun, but sometimes I feel so removed from the rest of the world tying to do this type of work.  I don't have "hobbies" ...I don't need to find things to "keep me busy" this is it.  I don't worry about keeping the house "curb appeal" or manicuring the lawn.  I hate small talk.  I notice how quickly the conversations change after mentioning something I enjoy back to "other" topics. aarrrrgh!   I don't want a skill that is predicated on understanding some corporate bureaucracy.  Nothing against those that do...I am just starting to scratch the surface of developing skill in visualization.  This  storyboard guy has forgotten more than I know.   It was a good night.