Page 2, Cosmo's Apples
Cosmo is a strange member of the village, but seems happy and harmless...
Please come back next Monday for page 3!
I was trying to show Cosmo as an outsider and a strange but harmless character. Someone the adults may not respect but the children would not fear. Someone who maybe overlooked but understands more than most. Originally, I had him dancing in the rain then followed into the wood by the kids...but after I drew it out I thought it jumped to much form panel to panel without telling a good story "in between the panels". So I redrew and added panels and an extra page, showing more of an event and more of Cosmo's character....I find I am circling back quite a bit for lack of a clear story...need thumbnail much more for revisions...
Please come back next Monday for page 3!
I was trying to show Cosmo as an outsider and a strange but harmless character. Someone the adults may not respect but the children would not fear. Someone who maybe overlooked but understands more than most. Originally, I had him dancing in the rain then followed into the wood by the kids...but after I drew it out I thought it jumped to much form panel to panel without telling a good story "in between the panels". So I redrew and added panels and an extra page, showing more of an event and more of Cosmo's character....I find I am circling back quite a bit for lack of a clear story...need thumbnail much more for revisions...